BG Improvments

hanna164hanna164 Posts: 45Member Beginner
Hey all, I've been paying attention to non-symmetrical maps in BG and the people playing them and there seems to be a little unbalance in some maps.

I'm gonna offer some fixes for some of those maps and anybody is more than welcome to critic any improvement I suggest but please stay objective and polite. Our main goal is to have balanced maps in BG because it depends a lot on teams so we don't anymore stacking on overpowered sides in these maps.

Note: these adjustments aren't to make the gameplay worse or to add stronger vehicles, It's just a way to BALANCE both sides and give each side the opportunity to win fairly.

Crater: I don't know who edited this map the last time but obviously he isn't updated much with the games that go around in it.
1- Crater: Decrease oerlikons number in NIU base by one (3 are too much making it a fortress).i suggest this one.
2- Crater: Derberan base gets an oerlikon to stop being spawnkilled by aircrafts.(in this corner).
3- Crater: Derberan base moving the ammo/medic stations inside the base like NIU.
4- Crater: NIU base replacing Geopard with a ground tank preferably Leopard.

5- Thamugadi: NIU base adding SG to their main preferably on roof.
6- Thamugadi: NIU base adding ammo and medic station in main like Derb's instead of counting on the ones in Base3 because in spawn traps you can't reach B3.
7- Thamugadi: Derberan base adding sand bags around the orelikon.
8- Thamugadi: Add medic station to Base 6 to make the map more symmetrical to B3 & B2.
9- Thamugadi: Lowering roof edges in Base5 to make a strategic point to defend B5 and good place to for snipers to use.

10- Dogfights In-General: A good suggestion is to make the two bases in dogfights mined like FortIsland, our goal is to eliminate spawnkilling and promote fair play which I think will let players really continue to play this map to the end instead of quitting the second they start being spawn trapped.
11- Crater Dogfight: Derberan base gets a little room with an ammo and medic station like NIU base.

12- DeathHill: Adding an ammo station ONLY in Base7.

13- Cantumira: NIU base fix oerlikon textures.
14- Cantumira: NIU base add an SG (in this corner I suggest).
15- Cantumira: NIU base replace 50 cal. humvee for an Avenger.
Note*: Cantumira saw an addition of KA50 helicopter which has a strong body, considering it's existence in Base3 which is closer to Derberan's main by 80 meters than NIU's main I was gonna suggest replacing NIU's BlackHawk helicopter but I would leave that for an advanced stage of adjustment, After all we don't want to overpower any base.

16- Bandar: Deberan base replacing/adding one of their vehicles with LUCHS considering they don't the land way to Base4 & Base5 like NIU's main so it's fair for them to have other ways to reach these bases.

17- Distrum (Hamina In-General): Hamina is the biggest vehicle in Warrock so I think obtaining it should be rewarding enough, Instead we get an abandoned vehicle because AW50F/Hecate2 kill Hamina's drivers like eating breakfast, So we thought it's only fair that we give the Hamina a bulletproof glass so players could use it more.

This is only a part of the maps in BG and I'm working towards other maps, I think most BG players would be satisfied with the changes I mentioned above. I'm happy to hear anyone's opinion on this subject but please don't refuse for personal gains such as stacking with your team/clan/friends etc.

The changes mentioned are minor and don't require any programming ( I think so) some parameters and vehicles aren't hard to change so we should be able to get them in near updates, Plus you can check these maps for unbalanced playing by visiting BG if you aren't taking my word for it.


  • navediglavata13navediglavata13 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Everytime I see you in a room you are stacking with IT or some other clan and playing totally unfair games but here you are talking about balance LOL give me a break
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