BSC Weapons To BP Weapons

black3light3black3light3 Posts: 43Approved Member Beginner
I Wanna Re-open This Thread & Hope For The Best

Dear Community,
I Made A Small List With Some BSC Weapons That Might Switch To BP Weapons , And Most of Them Are Already BP In Garena
I Want Some Feedback From You Guys Or Suggestions About The Weapons Listed below

I'm Just Trying To Help The Community By This Suggestion That Might Satisfy A Lot Of Players And Hopefully Make The Game More Competitive .
> Rifle

- Browning
- CAR15
- Enfield
- AK47 DGI-C
- M4 Strider
- M4 DGI-Chh


- CB-M2
- P90 Jungle

> Sniper

- M110 SASS
- Barrett 28A1
- Steyr Scout

> Pistol

- Beretta 93R
- MP412 REX

> Melee

- Kris
- Sai
- Ruyi Stick


Green : Must

Yellow : Possible

Red : Need Opinions
Best Regards,
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)    
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  • iLik4DiLik4D Posts: 37Approved Member Beginner
  • baran65baran65 Posts: 68Approved Member Beginner
    Agreed, would be epic to have this, and will balance the game so even steam users in the future can have fun playing this game so they won't quit early
  • Trigger21Trigger21 Posts: 42Approved Member Beginner
    Hello Blacklight,

    Nice idea!
    But I disagree with Enfield, P90 Jungel, Kris & LWRC being BP.
    They are just tooooo good. This would just break the bsc-economy

    AK-DGIC & M4-DGIC shouldn't be BP aswell. But I would love to see those guns as Masteryweapons on Rifle MAsterrank for example!

    You need to keep in mind that Garena/Sea has a complete diffrent envoirement. Their normal AK recoil is like our Ak Dragon's one. So they can afford to make those weapons BP, because it doesn't break the economy.

    I totally support the rest of your suggestions!

    Kind Regards
  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate

    Bring back BROWNING and all those kind of weapons !
    Whether BSC or BP (even if I would prefer BP) they definitely should bring those weapons back in the shop.

    @Trigger21 > I also agree with your statement.
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
    It's a nice idea and would be nice if the rest of the players could also add more more examples of weapons that in your opinion should be changed from BSC to BP.

    Thanks for sharing it with all of us and we will once again forward your suggestions.
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  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    My opinion is not about that but is there any chance in future that u will add asv biohazard to shop again even ifu put for 5000 bsc i will buy it now forever :D pleas pleas pleas
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