What would you change of War Rock?



  • wuilliam3000xwuilliam3000x Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Camiben el server a America :D 
  • brappbrappbrappbrapp Posts: 34Member Beginner
    Ok. Papaya do you want Warrock with more players and make more money? Op guns is not the problem.
    - Make again medic the only one can heal yourself.
    - Remove flashes and lands.
    - Remove quickspawn.
    - Remove stamina.
    - Remove skin advantages, you can still use it.
    - Make Khyber f2p start and add Xauen premium.
    - Remove SP Up.
    - Remove Big Head Mode.
    - Remove any restricted mode.
    - Remove balistic knife.
    - Remove fast reload.
    - Decrease Medic Box (2 instead of 4).
    - Make 4th slot kit2 f2p everyone or make kit1 heal 45%.
    - Deseart Eagle only premium buy.
    - We need USA Server.
    - Fix Framerate issue. (happens sometimes to me in 8 players room and always in 16 or more.)
    - Make f2p more less exp gained after a match.
    - f2p cannot make a clan or join clan if level is not 29+

    You can make a veteran CQC mode.
    Rules: 1-4 slot without any SP UP or px and Skin (f2p look) and you can use any gun. Only Premium User can start a match.

    Dear Papaya, Warrock is a great game, please consider all these aspects as CRITICAL for gameplay. I play this game since 2008 and from 2010 competitive on ESL 2010-2014 active and now i'm back after 4 years. Guess how much wanna play this game, a better game.

  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    Nothing will change :)

    i just saw a kid with OPK hack, this old **** still in game so i know nothing will change!
  • brappbrappbrappbrapp Posts: 34Member Beginner
    Papaya do something now
  • WombargerWombarger Posts: 49Member Beginner

    Not a fan of most of your suggestions actually as they seem unnecessary. The only that make sense are reducing the amount of medic boxes, removing Big Head mode, remove P2W advantage, remove fast reload, make medkit 2 to buy with dinar.

    Things like medic only healing themselves is plain silly.
  • brappbrappbrappbrapp Posts: 34Member Beginner
    in cqc we need some kind of balance. veteran players hate fast reload, sp up, 6th slot nub, quick spawn, skins and every advantage.
    1-4 free2play guns = skill.

    Now cqc is just noobs with famas stamina stick rushing nades and healing everytime, medic with medic box that got hitted to 0 and 1 sec they are 100% etc etc..
  • WombargerWombarger Posts: 49Member Beginner

    I misunderstood what you meant. I thought you meant that medics could only heal themselves and not their teammates, but you mean that medics should be the only class with healing capabilities. In this, I completely agree with you.
  • rk0ldskulljrk0ldskullj Posts: 0Member Beginner
    - I would like that was put in maps, restrictions about some weapons or items for example flash and m14 or simply allow only ESL weapons. Of course, only if this will be possible.
    - Also, a thing that will be amazing: The turn back of the choice Clan's flags by ourselves. Each clan create and put the themself flag as It was before.
  • AligetorAligetor Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Hello , Dear Papaya Play
    i Hope to change some thing in WarRock
    the thing is: 
    -Change the Tournament Packages
    -Use in Tournament 1 more map or change the maps!
    -Use in Tournament 1 Weapon or more with some items thing that helped when the players players and who w'll collect 300AP w'll recive the Event in each 3 days
    [Thx Dear Papaya Play]

    "Tournament" Changes
  • gangclaws1gangclaws1 Posts: 11Member Beginner
    how about bringing the old way of friendship like g1 using codes to share with pals anyone else again
  • N0HCH0N0HCH0 Posts: 390Member Trainee

    I would like to have Muslim medals, in the game there are only Christian and Jewish medals. ( check heavy trooper medal and another )
  • solo2007solo2007 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Hi guys, 

    I think the main problems are the lagger and overclocker.

    Laggers: As you know, they take a long time to die, they teleport or they kill you while you are hiding behind a wall for example, which is frustrating.

    Overclockers: This is I think the main problem of warrock. No need to describe, those make the players unequal because some kill in 2 or 3 balls when it needs 15 or 20 to others. In addition overclocks move ultra fast, shoot 2 times faster and especially take 2 times longer to die than a normal player.

    Both of these concerns are detrimental to the game as many players leave Warrock because of this. To solve the problem of the laggers, it would be necessary to set a ping limit to the input of the rooms or directly to the servers. Regarding the overclock, it is obvious that the system set up to fight against them does not work very well, so we should create a kind of hardcore mode as in Battlefield or Counter Strike where we kill in only 2 or 3 balls, which is closer to the real thing.

    In addition, it should be prohibited to use flash mines and mine mines m14 in tournament mode.

    You should hand over the sale of permanent weapons and create new weapons and also add to the game shop in dinar like the Dual ak47, the dual pp91, the dual scorpions, the m4a1 desert or the wa2000.

    You should put back the skin with their efficiency. We all bought skin because they gave us protection or precision more, but this is no longer the case.

    You should surrender a concise dinar gain on a level up.
    For example 10000 dinar to level 70 is simply shameful.

    You should review the damage of the weapons. For example, the m24 is as effective as an aw50f or a dsr1tc, which is not normal.

    You should offer an 8th sloth for life to anyone who has bought 8th permanent weapons because it does not make sense ...

    You should create the 7th sloth, this one is strictly for nothing and should for example serve as a slot for a medic kit, grenades or a weapon like a desert eagle.

    Finally, it would be great to create events with prizes (premium, permanent weapons), championships and "events" like Marble to boost the game and attract more players as it was done before.

    Hoping that my message and that of the other members will be taken into consideration.

    Best regards.
  • g3neral3g3neral3 Posts: 6Member Beginner
    Server close to USA... 
  • brappbrappbrappbrapp Posts: 34Member Beginner
    This game needs a USA server
    This game needs no flame in game
  • gangclaws1gangclaws1 Posts: 11Member Beginner
    return the use of sharing codes with your pals old weapon codes
  • N0HCH0N0HCH0 Posts: 390Member Trainee
    Make minimum speed for connecting the game down 10mbps / upload 2mbps . 

    HGM change at least something other than item shop and choic change priority game in task manager ?
  • DaytorDaytor Posts: 26Member Beginner
    Third person emotes should be removed because they break the game.
  • ShakyorShakyor Posts: 3Member Beginner

    the one Thing i want is: Save War Rock. Yea. But how?
    There are plenty of things. Many of them are very hard to implement, I understand that. But there are also many things, I cant imagine are so costly or hard to implement. I want to list a few of those thing which can probably be done quite easy. The big Topic Lagg and OVC (wow, we can check Hacks for now) is the most imporant one, but its hard to fix.

    -Decrease randomness as much as possible.
    Randomness is poison for any skill based game. We are not rolling dices, we compete with each other. There should always be a reason why a fight failed. To be more concrete: Remove Character Stats. Escpecially the ones with a % Chance. Its like rolling dices if you win or not, thats not the way it should be. Further the Spawn Protection in FFA is a huge Issue for me. Sometimes it lasts for like 5 Seconds and sometimes its not there. A Sniper does not have any Chance against it. Its completley random who will win, if two people spawn next to each other. Its also ping related maybe. There is something called "aim change" where your crosshair goes all over the place when you get hit. However, this seems to be random. Its not like every headshot causes it. Its seems to be completly random so you cant rely on it. And sometimes that makes it very hard to see the mistake at my place and it also makes the gameplay inconsistent. I would like it to be removed completly or give it any rule when it occurs and when not, in the best case a skill based rule like on a headshot, or if you hit three shots in a row or whatever. Big Head makes things more random. If some one spawns behind you, you are dead. If someone laggs you are dead. Its that you have no reaction time to what is happening. If you are lucky you can kill three people in four seconds and if you are not you get killed and dont even know where the enemy was. Remove it or make it an acual event like settable only one day in the week. There are more things to remove randomness

    - Remove any silly skins
    Im new to a game. I join. I see very very bad designed Chickens running around. I get a laughing kik and the game is done for me. I leave and tell anyone he should not try the game. Enough said I think.

    - Rework the Votekik system
    New Players get kicked all day! If there is anyone with 4-15 Stats in a Death Match, Chances are 90% that he will get kiked because he brings in to many deaths. Since he might not know what even happend he will just close the game and start something he can acually play.. It is even hard for me to finish my sniper achivements. Since im not very useful to the team then, I got kiked several times. Also clans think they are super cool. if they have the power to kik someone because they are three people, they will do. In Public matches. They can go to clan wars if they want to stay for themselfe but they go public and just enjoy kiking people for no reason. The thing papaya has to understand here, that people just like to fuck each other up. There is no good use of this kik system. On the other hand there was a dude in the enemy team call "famasovcturk". Needless to say that he was just what his name suggested. Everyone knew it but the enemies didnt kik, because we had also an ovc dude, but this wasnt proofed. Yea, so the kiksystem is not even used to kik obvious hackers because the sad reality is, people enjoy hackers. On thier own side... Thats how it is.

    - Change Premium 5.000 exp
    Make this so you get the exp just for completeing any round. Not just for winning. So many people are hopping between sides and leaving rooms just because they want to get their win. Me included. Thats very bad for team balance and map varity etc. Bad or new people even get kiked because they bring the win in danger and people want their 5k exp. If you get it just for finishing a game, there is no need for room and side Hopping or even kiking bad players.

    -Set Auto Team Balance as standard
    You can still change it, but if you dont, it should be active. Many people, me included, just sit in the lobby watching a room for a period of time to join at the better side, because maps are unbalanced. If the majority of rooms would have auto balance, it maybe would become a better experience. Well, level does not mean too much. Maybe include the KDR in the forumla on which side a player join.

    -Cant rejoin a room after leaving ingame
    How many people just leave their side when they are losing and join to the other one as soon as some one else filled their spot? Its crazy how unbalanced teams can become. If you leave ingame, you should not be able to enter the same running match. I mean, six or seven Players vs two or three is not rare these days. Also there is a "trap". You bite someone to press ready with beeing on his side at NIU. As Soon as the game starts, you leave and rejoin to derb side where your mate already planted flashes. Poor level six dude on NIU now. This should not be a thing.

    -Delete Deathcam.
    You can see the best reasons for that in an other thread.

    - Just remove things, which are bad for the gameplay
    Remove HP Kit - Medic should be the only one to heal. There is no real reason to play medic anymore because noone needs one. Remove Mines - Flashes got nerfed hard, thats a great thing! But people still turtle to much behind them with M14. Its so bad for the gameplay. Thing that can be done: Remove M14 from cqc, Give people only 1 Flash mine per Spawn or maybe just give them like 5 per Game if this is possible. And the most important thing: Remove ANY assist Points from them which translates into exp. People dont even enjoy playing with mines. They just want their exp as high as possible. Remove the exp tied to them and get your money you lose from mines elswhere. 4 Medic boxes are quite hefty. I think 2 per spawn would be more balanced. There are many weapons that should be remved, but thats a Topic for itsselfe. Im Happy VSS got nerfed. But now its like a DBR Game to be honest. I understand that there must be better weapons to earn you guys money. But its better to have more players that invest little money then just a bunch buying DBRs I quess.

    That is very important. Dont shift them again, haha papaya, you almost got us. Just delete them. period.

    -Keep people together and dont spread them.
    People are so spread these days. There are so many room options that you barly find a room which is just the regular War Rock you love. Pack the community together again. Three modes, Explosive, FFA and Deathmatch was always enough. There is no need for all these Things like kamikaze, one class only, BIG HEAD, Rifle, Pistol, Grenade or Knife Only. We dont have enough people to supply all these modes without losing the regular bread and butter. With all this, War Rock tries to be something it isnt. People doesnt come together anymore, the small community is spread in itselfe and thats a huge mistake. Because from 10 Rooms there are only like 4-5 "classic" ones with no specials left. And I want to play War Rock, I dont know about you guys. Keep the AI Section for itselfe and delete Fogggy survive. It is onl used for levelling and spereads the community even more.

    -Remove Big Head
    This is so important, that I list it seperate. Big Head is very bad for the game. Do you guys remember the q and e button? It used to be cool to use them. It set warrock apart from other Games. There is also this super cool roll. You cant do it in any Counterstrike or Call of Duty. War Rock was based around all those cool and good working mechanics Like leaning, Crouching, Jumping and rolling. All those are completly worthless in Big Head mode. With this stupid big head leaning is worthless because everyone already saw you. Big Head is bad for Skill development. People will stay bad and die in normal games and then they call others OVC and Hack or lagg even if they arent just because they cant handle that they are bad and cant aim because they are used to big head. Make it an acual event. One day Per week, this is an room Option or whatever. I do understand the idea, its cool. But its not good for a standard. Also think a bout new players again. War Rock isnt the most beautiful game. Thats ok. But if a new player join and he sees thes damn ugly, with no effort at all upscaled Big silly Heads... How would he ever take the game serious? I can understand the Youtubers like altf4games who are just laughing about the game. Thats sad. Remove Big Head and dont care about people abusing it just for levelling. xHawkeye08 reached Level 100 back in the day without any of this stuff.

    -Fix OVC, Lagg and Hack
    Yea, thats not easy I know. This wouldnt be such a huge issue if you would at least fix some of the above mentioned things. Im not even sure how many ovc dudes are there for real. There are so many technical issues that you die very often and cant really tell why. The answer you conclude is simple: The other one is ovcing. I wouldnt be surprised if there are much much less people using OVC then we think.

    Alright, thanks for reading. Thats all for now. There is more to say but Before i put more energy into it, I would like to see the next step from papaya. Dont only ask, now its Time to do things. I know you cant do everything we mentiond but pick the most wanted stuff and just DO it. That would be nice!

    See you soon
    Bye Bye

  • HarryBoschHarryBosch Posts: 6Member Beginner
    Remove deathcam and red dot
    Have a maximum altitude for planes! as too many alting off map to kill! 
    Take large boats from Bandar and 1 weasel each team! even game!
    Crater even things up! Both teams have Hind and chumna!
    Remove the extras on characters to even things up!
    Ban the Bug users! Permanently
    Admins on more often to catch the ovc and hackers!
    Ban the people long term vip hackers!  who G1 Beta Nexon ect failed to ban!
  • WombargerWombarger Posts: 49Member Beginner

    Please do everything Shakyor said, this is exactly what the game desperately needs.
  • ShakyorShakyor Posts: 3Member Beginner

    its me again. I just want to say, how important it is to fix the kiksystem.
    Just a few minutes ago, one dude spammed kik on another one. The stated all should press y because he had stats like 4-15. I pressed n and wrote, we should not kik for KDR reasons. Its not worth to make players quit warrock just to win one match. Yea...As a result of this, the same dude voted on me, because he was upset or anything. Yea, they got not enouh votes to kik me. After that, the dude voted on the "bad" guy again. He got kiked.
    After that I decided to vote on the dude who randomly kiks every one. Ofc hje didnt got kiked. I said thats because he is kiking for no reason. From my point of view, this would acually be a legitim kik there. But it wasnt used for that.
    Later in the same round, some one was spamming "medic please" in a very bad language in the chat. Since i generally ignore stupid people, i ignored him aswell. He called me ebay and nub then and voted on me! Because i didnt heal him. He was sitting in base since then and voting on me with his low HP. Since i Changed to SSG to complete my achivements, my stats went down the hill, because of unbalanced Big Head. Yea, I got voted again.. I just quess for my stats.
    This was all in one round.
    While im typing this im in an other round and i can already see votekiks again.

    To conclude: The kiksystem is JUST and only used to makle people upset! I mean, really. Thats all it does. It is never ever used to kik an acual unlegit player, since we cant really proof who is legit or not and it makes the enemies upset if you have a hacker in your team. Its sad but its all used to make people upset. 9/10 Kiks are for a non reasonable reason e.g. winning a game or making people upset.

    I mean even complete weapon categorys disapear because ppl using them get kiked all day like shotgun for example or not one shotting snipers.
    It is SO damn annoying to get kiked for something like this right before the end of a 40 Minutes match and you get nothing out of it (Dinar, exp).

    For me, the best way to fix this would be by simply disable votekik at all. Its not used in any good way. I am aware of the intention and thats fine but people just shit on each other with it. Remove it. Let players play. Yea sure, its a vote. But people are brainless to often. They just press y. Thats how it is. Because they dont even care and just press y. Or like to make others upset even if they are not the initiator.

    There might be a better solution then removeing it, that i am not aware of. But it is absolutely horrible the way it is.

    Please take this into account.

    Best regards
  • DaytorDaytor Posts: 26Member Beginner
    Crosshairs buyable without premium...
  • HairytummyHairytummy Posts: 19Member Beginner
    My Feedback? Bring Big Head back ! Its false that people who play Big Head often cant aim in normal games. Big Head was the only reason for me to stay in Warrock, cause its fun and not the get my KD better.

    If you wanna discuss with me, do it.
  • M4RI302M4RI302 Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Red Dot and deathcam! 
    this has killed off the art of sniping or rather,
    made it far easier to be found! 

  • xMstewxMstew Posts: 7Member Beginner
    - Get better servers.
    - Add some new maps to the tournament mode (its a little bit boring to play all time in the only 2 maps of this mode).
    - Make the game popular again, we need more players, the night during the week its really hard to find a good room :/
  • warrug25warrug25 Posts: 20Member Beginner
    I wrote a topic to suggest what I think would improve the gaming experience... I copy it here:

    Hi everybody,
    Here are my suggestions on how to improve the game; I
    list them in descending order of importance (so, the first one is the
    most important and the latest one is the least important):

    1 - Remove death cam and red dots on map:
    these make playing as a sniper impossible, because everyone with some
    map-awareness can determine when you are the exact moment you kill'em. I
    know there is a poll about this here on the forum, and I voted in it...
    I woul suggest you notify the players about that, so they can vote as

    2 - Improve game performances: I'm a computer engineer, I
    know what I'm talking about when I say this game's performance are crap
    and can be dramatically improved by means of a wise approach to
    rewriting its core, to managing the organisation (this game has tons of
    unused files and ill-organised directories, for example) and to handling
    the resources (come on, it's a shame that a game like this can't work
    properly on many good PC configurations! There are CADs and
    computation-intensive application requiring less resources...). I know
    it's not a quick thing to do, but after many years (in which all the
    "providers", from G1 to Nexon, shamefully neglected the issue) it must
    be done.

    3 - Remove the three-missiles bow: that thing makes playing little maps almost impossible, because a single player having it is enough to kill entire teams.

    4 - Adequate AW50F power to that of the other sniper rifles:
    it's not possible to have a rifle that is absolutely more powerful than
    any other: this makes the battle against snipers using it absolutely
    uneven! More generally, I've been noticing that F2P weapons are far less
    powerful than premium one, so much that F2P players are dramatically
    disadvantaged. I know premium must have some sort of advantage (why buy
    it, if it doesn't?), but a gap so wide is really unbearable.

    5 - Add more good F2P weapons:
    I know that your efforts must be concentrated on premium stuff (that's
    obvious, I guess), but some good new F2P weapon would really spice up
    the game.

    6 - Stop that crappy events: that's a war game,
    for god's sake! We don't need hearts, big heads, stylish characters or
    scarves, we need new maps to fight in and new weapons to fire with!
  • Thees14Thees14 Posts: 0Member Beginner

    Hello. I am tsdu14 former player and co-founder of No Man's Land a French BG clan from 2007 to 2012.

    Our team stopped the game after the All Star League 1st Edition in 2011 that we won. This unofficial tournament organized by Panteon a player and moderator of the game was intended to revitalize the population and the game.

    We had already noticed at the time that some players move faster or you kill very quickly because of overclocking. Not detectable saying by the game. But the players felt it well in game.

    I think that the game was badly coded from the beginning because it is the only game in the history of video games I think or the ovc has a real impact on the game.

    It is largely because of the overclocking that we made the heavy decision to stop the game.
    I honestly think it's the first poison of the game.

    When we see the so-called big player who plays with the ovc and they claim to be good, it makes me smile. These people are still not ban after so many years.

    The first wave of ovc came from Italy, France and Germany. And a few more years the knockouts, Turkey.

    There is something special about this game that my friends and I have not managed to find in all its years. We have tried BF, Call of, Overwatch, PUBG ... But nothing can replace War Rock.

    We are still hoping to see a new War Rock come out or a game that comes close to it. But the years go by and we get older too :)

    I think spoke for the community. The community does not care to release new weapons etc ... What must be corrected in priority is the overclocking, the hack and that's it!

    Good luck.
  • Malkin167Malkin167 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    NA Server.
  • URLBadmanURLBadman Posts: 19Member Beginner
    The publishers and developers. None of them actually care about the game. DE should honestly sell it to someone who actually gives a fuck.
    Used to be MyHolyDemi / Hollywood.
  • ziobarryziobarry Posts: 5Member Beginner
    Togliere deathcam

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