What would you change of War Rock?



  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    I would make support work again
    i would love to see online GM on discord and in game
    i would kick hackers
    i never see online Gm or working suport or a way  to contact with GM team!
    i would like to see a gm team who respond to letters
    i would like to see a working hackshild
    i would like to see a slot 5 item for dinar :)

    Oh in Ai 006 there are 2 vip hacker since a past 3-4 hour and no respond from any GM still so they can hack freely ... or u boys making proof on them??? and waiting master admin to ban those hackers?????

    -wall hack
    -speed hack
    -rapid fire
    -unlim stamina
    -1 sec instant hack on doors on red sign
    -unlimited amo and rocket

    But i ques it is part of the game mainly with suported hackers :)

    OHHH before i forget i also would like to see no more protected gamers :)
  • drudidrudi Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Nobody is really playing objective in explosive. Thats really boring. Everybody is running and chasing for kills. Even in Marien, when guys at the NIU are camping in the corner bomb. My team is rushing  them everytime instead of planting the bomb middle. Tha time pressure, when sombody plant the bomb is missing for me.

    Please, make planting and defusing rewarding by giving the bomb planter 5 points. 

    When the opponent succeed to defuse, give him 7 points and the rest of the team 2. 
  • drudidrudi Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Its really boring to play explosive. Nobody is playing objective, instead everyone are just chasing for kills. 
    Even on Marien, when players on the NIU side camping in corner bomb, most of my team are chasing opponents  instead of just planting in the middle. 
    I miss the time pressure, when somebody plants and I have to make a mouve.
    Please make it attractive, play objective.

    Please reward the bomb planter with 5 points. Reward the defuser with 7 points and the rest of the NIU team with 2 points, when succeeded defusing  like in other versions of War Rock.
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    Was a new patch today new event what is buged :)
    Khali map turned texture buged black places on map
    U can fall over map on khali
    And for 27 kill 1 dead i got total of 46 exp LOVLY :) 11 round game 33 minut total of 46 exp just so cool :)
    Texture bug on other maps too
    telekill back in game
    hacker join ffa weapon master and make 30-0 and win map under 2 min
    rpg bug rpg with 3 damage
    sniper bug with 2 damage
    puzzle bug u dont get a pieces

    HMMm what would i change on wr????? Hard question i would like to change at least 1 from the upper list :)

  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    Was a new patch today new event what is buged :)
    Khali map turned texture buged black places on map
    U can fall over map on khali
    And for 27 kill 1 dead i got total of 46 exp LOVLY :) 11 round game 33 minut total of 46 exp just so cool :)
    Texture bug on other maps too
    telekill back in game
    hacker join ffa weapon master and make 30-0 and win map under 2 min
    rpg bug rpg with 3 damage
    sniper bug with 2 damage
    puzzle bug u dont get a pieces

    HMMm what would i change on wr????? Hard question i would like to change at least 1 from the upper list :)

    Hm new bugs found -1score / kill
    round restart from no reason we kill all enemy and roudn restart with 1 sec WELOSE

    then i see what i wrote in game start around 12 min earlier WTFFFF

    THIS NEW patch a real game changer papaya u working hard to kill game and u finally did it  I LOVE PAPAYA!!!! what G1 and NEXON canot do u did it :) killed this game
  • alienbooya2alienbooya2 Posts: 46Member Beginner
    I'd like to see Druida get banned from the forums. I think we all would be feeling better.
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    NICE :)

    I just had 17 round of cqc and scored total of 0 exp 0 dinar 0 kill count :)

    Team RQ upon dead i was overpowered so game turned 8 win 8 lose andwining in final round they see they gona lose so they  RQ in last 2 sec, i was in that game almost 51 min and get nothing not even time counted for that!

    BG 19 kill they RQ  again nothing
    BG 7-0 thez RQ in 2 vs me again get nothing

    Redsign playing for 45 min has 59 kill and all zombie RQ again get nothing

    I scored 159 exp under 4 hour gameplay.
    So what would i change????? get exp when all enemy RQ and u have no ally or at least get a lucky coin for that game!
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    alienbooya2alienbooya2 i understand your fustration u cant kill any one in stelth mode, so u have no problem with others who can geting less score for making more team effort as u do

    But get that into your mind if all just afk in game like u all time do u will never win a single game and u need to RQ the room again
    So when we working hard to win a game for u would be nice if u not insult us for it, thx a lot!
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    Sorry if i was to hars on u i dont care if u afk in stelth mode, but what i care about when in 8vs8 i am the only one with a kill 49 kill in 8 round meaning -49 score to me +50 for u cause u just afk ing with your chaser, cause no one want to get -1 score for kiling a runner but all want to get that 10 point for a round win

    I know u think it is OK for u to get 50 point and me geting -49 for making all the team effort all by myself, hej but at least u can score 50 free point thx to me right????

  • ossian123ossian123 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Less pay to win !!
    Make your money through cosmetics.
    This way it would attract new people to the game without having to deal with a pay wall...
  • majoreczek3223majoreczek3223 Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Improving the plot in black hawk, which is in Zakhar or on the Crater, because now this helicopter is not suitable for anything. Now it is hard to kill this plot, and once NEXON was great!
  • infinitikinginfinitiking Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Hello All,

    I am very happy how everything has been going in the right direction and fixing a lot of the game. only issue i really see, me and some other players that live on NA side. not sure how it works but i would like to see maybe some day if possible NA server and mirage it into one server with the Europe side so we could all play with less lag/delay. honestly game has been amazing so far only thing i can see as an NA player is the connection to the game since we live far from servers. hopefully one day we can see a change or fix. i am pretty sure Jake has also said it in one of his videos how we could fix this issue. anyways keep up the good work game seems very good and i will continue to play it.
  • chaosrulzchaosrulz Posts: 13Member Beginner
    i would start from ground up with new game engine and a way to fix the network lagg then add the content
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    New patch bring back:
    -zombie OPK
    list bug = this is f ing anoying spend over 30 min deleting idiots who
    force adding themself to my f list, i give up deleting them they keep
    adding back themself WHY THIS IDIOT BUG BACK??????????
    -redsign only last round count into play time, spending on idiot map 166 min count only as 6 min :)
    -bomber bug back in pow camp
    -amo pic up bug back in pow
    -stelth mode bug still active since 3 patch, still no fix on that one

    But keep adding idiot stuff to game insted of fixing it!
  • allen01allen01 Posts: 0Member Beginner
  • iGetableiGetable Posts: 28Member Beginner

    What do I think? The game needs a new engine that may open up more opportunities than the company like Papaya Play and Dream Execution currently have available, the game has been out for sometime now whole 11 years and counting then it is important to improve on things where the improvement is long overdue, with the new engine, I am seeing a lot more or better experience to everyone who plays the game, and who is looking to play the game, limitation or complete removal of overclocking, less hackers (maybe) and overall, have better smoothness to the game, better feel to the game as it does have a new engine, which is what should have happened more than once, engine has been kept the same for 11 years and no wonder not many of you are unhappy with overclocking, there is an exploit of sorts in the current engine that allows people to use overclocking software's to boost their clock speeds for the game.

    So, the focus should be more steered towards to new engine than anything else.

    Best regards.
  • SannuCentralSannuCentral Posts: 0Member Beginner

    As I have been part of this community on and off for years since G1, then I think its important to memorize that the game engine has been the same ever since the game was with K2 Network.

    So, if there is one thing I could change or want you to change, then that would be have an updated version of the engine that they're currently using, since the game feels clunky, not responsive at the times and generally gives the out of date feel to the game, which shouldn't be the case with the game that has been out for 11 years. so, before we ask for anything crazy here, they should really focus on getting their game on a new, improved and fresh engine, this is also reason why overclocking is persisting issue, its due to a very old engine, that has been in use for 11 whole years, which is shame when publisher and the development team makes millions of people.

    best regards.
  • vanmelvin1vanmelvin1 Posts: 23Member Beginner
    Achieve the same thing KRWR does. WR scaling on atleast 4 cores because MODERN High end cpus are struggling. As now im speaking from an OC Ryzen 2700x to 4.4ghz and Vega 64 system, game just reks my first core to 100%.
    Using w7 as os just makes the situation a little better but really if you want people to play, make the game playable. 140 to 40 fps drops are RIDICOLOUS
  • smoke1993smoke1993 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    if i neede to say 1 thing ADVERTISE MORE im sure players will play this game but its just too unknown like advertising campaing,s on facebook most peaple i know don,t even know the existence of this game or thought it had been game since G1 so.... do more advertising facebook or youtube are great platform,s for this and are not to expensive 
  • wajnoemwajnoem Posts: 5Member Beginner
    I firstly would like much more sniper weapons in the itemshop. And the weapon "BARETT_M82" should be more usefull. For example, delete its primitive condition of completely lying on the ground and it should be also usefull in Close Quarters Combats.


    More (3rd slot) sniper weapons in the itemshop (of the website). And;

    To make more usefulness of the BARRETT_82.
  • th30wner2015th30wner2015 Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Something for slot 7!
  • ProMedProMed Posts: 8Member Beginner
    Hello Guys lots of Ideals posted real good one i would like something simple clan page add more titles like old school Master,  Chairman, Lieutenant, veteran and rookie the first 2 titles to show in Game under your name  also fix Clan Avatar to download your own with approvement of Admin before download 
  • wajnoemwajnoem Posts: 5Member Beginner
    I would like an evarage level calculator above the team sign of the teams in warrock.
  • raafaelmouraraafaelmoura Posts: 1Member Beginner
    se eu pudesse mudar alguma coisa na warrock voltaria com o servidor da américa latina porque muitas pessoas jogam na américa latina e isso de alguma forma atrapalha a competição com outros jogadores
    traga um servidor america latina
  • Capix7Capix7 Posts: 1Member Beginner
    - 10 simply way to make warrock better than ever!

    1) remove big head
    2) remove deathcam
    3) remove big head
    4) dedicate server for new player with limit (like 1-10 server) with big head mode
    5) remove big head
    6) more in game event
    7) remove big head
    8) ban scripter and clocker, they are still playing
    9) remove big head
    10) limit 3 account for each player (or less), with hardware ban

    If u don t want to remove big head, u can remove killcounter.. like zombie!

  • VoltadVoltad Posts: 15Member Beginner
    I would like to see a hardcore mode, in which we would only be allowed to use classic items.

    It would be great to play a team battle royal mode in wr.

    Another game mode could be a chinook heli full of Derb players, dropping them around a BG map to conquer a NIU defended base.
  • ZeartyZearty Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Fix OVC! You said you fixed it and it’s not fixed! Just fix it if you can but if you can’t, let US know so we won’t bother playing again! Thanks
  • kayzerwarrockkayzerwarrock Posts: 4Member Beginner
    Hey y'all i made some feedback for CQC/BG/AI/BR so here we go:
    CQC :
    Allow the master to put esl option on the room, allowed only 1-4 slots, lock all non esl weapons and just allow esl weapons
    Put some ban guns/items options lemme explain, the master of the room can ban some guns or items like max 2-3 guns and 2-3 items but got some restriction like can ban base stuff (med kit nade etc) and med box adrenaline and stamina, let's put an exemple master ban famas f2000 and mpx if some try to get those banned weapons, you cant use it like AI weapons that put an error when u try to shoot or just cant equip them, and the master ban flash-m14.
    Also reduce the damage and explosion range of the spider bomb, in rusty nails its just sometimes impossible to play cuz there is kinda 900 nade every second and the spider bomb is OP on this map.
    reduce a little bit the HP of the Hero on Hero Mode.
    Add more kills on death match like 100-200-300-400-500.
    To avoid spawnkill you can do like battlefield, put some restriction about where the enemies can go on our base or we cant go on their spawn.
    Reduce the time of a round on explosion for more objective playing.
    Allow some explosive map to be death match for event kind 1 weeks per month, before there was a glitch where you was able to put khali or marien on deathmatch (with the option about the spawn area restriction it will be good)
    Put event on non-played map, like biolad or dotonbori etc.
    Allow the master of the room to put a ping restriction to enter a room.
    About the achievement, we should be able to follow 3 achievement and like destiny 2 when you press TAB you see where you are with the achievement like press tab and see M4A1 100 KILL : 37/100
    BG :
    Like i said in CQC section, spawn area protection.
    Maybe put more kills on Death Match Mode.
    Increase a little bit XP rate.
    Maybe put a certain amount of possibility to reload the amount of bullet for vehicles like max 5 times to stop players who nevers drop of their vehicles.
    less explosion range for rockets of helicopters.
    Less damage of minigun on the MD-500
    More XP point when captur a flag.
    Make more events on BG like the AI. let's try something, like 50 kills win aw50f, 100kills winter stinger, 150kills fast reload, 200 kills m249 nickel 8th slots for heavy.
    BR :
    We need to do something to bring players on BR mode.
    Put more vehicles? maybe do some DUO/TRIO mode for clan players.
    Increase XP rate.
    Maybe put a more little map.
    Or add some AI on the Mode like Black Ops 4 put some zombies on the cities after 3 minute of gameplay (time for players to get some weapons)
    Made event for clan players like Who's had the best clan a kind of competition where players can register their team on the forum and lets kills.
    AI :
    Add more AI weapons, like M4A1_AI with less stats but kinda 50 bullets per clips and maybe less clips if you think its too much OP
    Bring event on AI to bring back some players there is not much AI players. Like XP event or like you do for MadMan kills, but maybe you can do somethinh like that but with a number of wave? with better prize (like idk imagine 150 wave a day 1-2 days of premium something like that)
    On EASY or HARD map, army hospital is good but you should rebalance old map like blind bullet put more AI in first wave there is only 30 zombies maybe put more like 50-60 zombies etc.
    Rush is good but you can maybe put HARD RUSH with 20 wave and maybe a new boss :P.
    Less damage of guys with spanner wrench it literraly OS.
    And maybe you can do like black ops series, change the amount of zombies and boss, according to the number of players in the game.
    Put more XP rate on the Escape Mode too much time for not much XP.
    Fix bug on Escape Mode where some ppl using W7 was able to walk through fence.
    Less health of the Vaccine Players too or dont allow him to heal.
    Less lovers damage.
    And there is a glitch on HARD pow camp i had it 2 time on 3 at the third stage we destroy the door but the door wont open and the game end 2minute later and it says we won.
    Also i post it on the discord feedback section, i would like to have some feedback to change what if wrote if someone had better idea etc. Thx for your time to read this.

    Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.
  • luger55luger55 Posts: 25Member Beginner
    Hope this thread is still relevant and beeing written.

    So only one thing that always prevented me and my friends in playing WR.
    We really love the 1v1 feeling, hit detection, gunplay, movement and the classic and awesome map layouts on maps like Marien, Velruf, Xauen and Bloc.

    BUT (and that's a huge but) the positional synchronization is gooood awfull.
    Even tho everyone has a great ping, beeing shot behind corners 1-2 seconds after jumping in cover, getting damage a second before the oponents playermodel is even around the corner and visible shortly followed up by his playermodel floating through physical barriers such as walls/corners and objects is beyoooond annoying.

    I don't know if it's the servers actually lagging (even tho better in time hitdetection that positional synchronization speaks against that) or a fundamental issue in the netcode itself.

    This paired with some perspective issues in which the playermodel is close to unhitable but he can easily see bodyparts of yours in some spots, only getting into the extrem with invert leaning, is completely killing the fun of the game in the long run and is just frustrating.
    Not because the game is bad, but because the technical polishing is god awful in that regard.
  • luger55luger55 Posts: 25Member Beginner
    Hope this thread is still relevant and beeing read.

    So only one thing that always prevented me and my friends in playing WR.
    We really love the 1v1 feeling, hit detection, gunplay, movement and the classic and awesome map layouts on maps like Marien, Velruf, Xauen and Bloc.

    BUT (and that's a huge but) the positional synchronization is gooood awfull.
    Even tho everyone has a great ping, beeing shot behind corners 1-2 seconds after jumping in cover, getting damage a second before the oponents playermodel is even around the corner and visible shortly followed up by his playermodel floating through physical barriers such as walls/corners and objects is beyoooond annoying.

    I don't know if it's the servers actually lagging (even tho better in time hitdetection than positional synchronization speaks against that) or a fundamental issue in the netcode itself.

    This paired with some perspective issues in which the playermodel is close to unhitable but he can easily see bodyparts of yours in some spots, only getting into the extrem with invert leaning, is completely killing the fun of the game in the long run and is just frustrating.
    Not because the game is bad, but because the technical polishing is god awful in that regard.
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