Free2Play open topic dicussions



  • aelliseaellise Posts: 25Member Beginner
    Wanna make it Free2Play?

    What about bring back the Colo battle so players who dont have enough DKC to obtain costume to go against Sun Wukong costume which cost 4k DKC to acquired. Make it a fair game for those who cant afford DKC items.

    And yes I know why you guys wont bring it back because you want players to spend 4k DKC instead of them having an option to farm almost equally decent PVP Asian Costume. 

    And here you want to talk about Free2Play discussion LOL. 

    Sorry for quite an aggresive tone there its just that too many disappointments in this server from GMs and Devs.
  • jay2k1211jay2k1211 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    +1 to the comments above , and btw dont make us disappoint on this game we worked hard to become better but here comes the issue about GM - Dshop / ilegit item selling from gms or gms on their alt/normal account selling items like 100% talis maybe I dont have the SS but on the other topic like WeakConcerra he showed you all the prof you need to reprogram this game and remove the rats on your system/management go hire new ones . New DEVs new game your current DEVs is the one who set the dekaron ruined by putting GM - Dshop and overpriced DKC items be fair lots of players worked hard and farmed all day just to become stronger than other player but other player used GM - Dshop just to become number 1 theyre lazy pffft and I actually talking to Levante never heared of him I just know him 2mins ago by reading WeakConcerra`s post . 

    P.S : @[GM]Gismo , if you're willing to change this game and be fair to your player banned that player who used GM - Dshop and all the players who used 100% talis . And most importantly don't ever closed this game this is a very awesome game if you'll do that you're just like "Burning a house just to kill a Spider" .

    Respectfuly : Concerned Player 
  • northeastazunortheastazu Posts: 222Approved Member Trainee
    This was a great idea by Gizmo but to be honest it has been blown out of the water by the recent revelations about in game players having access to 100% talis and GM Shop items that make competition actually impossible for the normal player. (Pretty big spider!)

    The game needs to be stripped of any wrong doing and relevant items removed to give a level playing field for all players before the majority will even think about returning to the game. It has now been posted on Facebook about 'corruption' within the game so you can expect this to spread like wildfire and unless the right actions are taken by the people in charge I fear for the future of this game which is a shame as I have played it since 2Moons and will miss it.
  • slick101slick101 Posts: 1Member Beginner
    old player here thinking to start playing again...... started playing 2moonsrising then game got sold/merge to nexxon and became a dekaron waited months for US players get the event change for time difference but nothing change had a 153 bagi and 150 seggy..... my question is, is it worth it to start playing this game again? what is your responds when a legit players gets their equipment's hacked/stolen? is the plaza still gets spammed with some website deal? what do you offer for to protect our personal items? hope to hear from some one soon... love the game but too much hacking and the amount of money i spend when i was playing went down the drain 3x when i got hacked. most of my gears was +9,+8, and +7 but no respond when i reported that i got hacked
  • K1rio5Z0loK1rio5Z0lo Posts: 52Member Beginner
    Close this fking shit thread full of lies 
    I sarcasm for living.
  • twocheztwochez Posts: 11Member Beginner

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

  • cesaroctaviocesaroctavio Posts: 36Member Beginner
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! (someone post a cake please))}


    And now I ask GMGismo, which has been made of everything you asked to be done to improve this great game, which only you have done is to drop it,


    Only the most innovative thing has been the GMSHOP, and your support for that alliance that we all know that they have +10 helpy weaps and gear, with mc3 And all the support they need ... and the other legal players, where we are, we do not count for you I believe.

    Congratulations!!!! every day they are causing more players to leave this game, while from you we do not have a single answer, not a single commentary or a single ACTION against the silent players, there they continue 24/7 in CRESPO or DOOMED, ​​without farming only killing low levels and showing that they have support and nobody will do anything despite having illegal items.

  • PauliokaszPauliokasz Posts: 58Approved Member Beginner
    And even if they delete those +10 items ppl who had it they had enought fun to dont care if they deleted or not, its clear that they support cheating and they involved in this, cause its taking too long fkin CSI PAPAYA GTFO.
  • corpsnzcorpsnz Posts: 0Member Beginner
    lets see.... many good ideas already. heres another one,
    Take your finger off the enhancement rate controller and make the rates a legit odds % chance instead of 0 - 1% chance on +6
    you do realise F2P players are getting killed trying to make good gear, and alot of us dont have the convenience of being given 100% talis by GM's like 75% of the p2w players...
    you wana say nothing is wrong with the rates? then i call ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT! lol and can prove that as i call bullshit when i can blow through 50b... thats right. FUCKING 50 BILLION saved up dill and cant even get a helpyron weapon to +6 !!!! what sort of joke is this? so +6 has 1% chance? or less, hate to think what +7 +8 +9 & +10 would be!!! -80%? well that cant be because nearly every pay 2 win player is making +10 helpyron like its lvl 109 weapons ffs... i guess they all just very lucky right? hahahahahahahaha fuck no! they have had help!
    i think thats pretty messed up that i can spend 50 fkn billion in game dollars in this absolutely broken market and cant even walk away with a fukin +6 helpyron weapon or armor!
    Sort ya shit out papayaplay this sort of bullshit just makes me so angry because you can tell mechanics are being fkn manipulated to suit a hidden agenda.
    Please fix this monstrosity or im just guna uninstall as im not wasting any more money, energy or time on this joke until its fixed as it is just an absolute disaster.
    in the mean time im guna go play something with a bit more consideration to there player base and moral compasses.
  • segywiikiesegywiikie Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I gotta agree with cesaroctavio! You GMs, just droping this shits around and you are not doing anything to improve this game, NOTHING!
    I feel like some GMs should be expeled, they not doing anything to improve nothing in game!


  • MytsosMytsos Posts: 28Member Beginner
    please delete this topic ... no point ... topic created from GMs 2 years ago and game is still pay to win. just delete it. thanks.
  • neskull1neskull1 Posts: 7Approved Member Beginner
    D-Shop items tradeable 
    Vicious Summoner
  • jans217jans217 Posts: 31Approved Member Beginner
    Hello GM I'am a very old player since Dekaron SEA until here, back before in Dekaron SEA everyone was so active playing the game, because there was a balance of DSHOP and Farmable items.
    1. Whats causing people to quit?
    *People tend to quit because the item event is like impossible to achieve.
    *When they are halfway achieving the impossible another OP item is injected to the game.
    *Nothing to do. (Bored)
    *Prices are unstable and skyrocketing.
    *Too many event don't know where to start.
    *The essence of balance is now gone.
    *Guild fights should be intense and not just farming alone.
    *Remove non-pk channel or make a limit like 160max level only.
    *Unbind the items so the rich can buy in DSHOP and the farmers can buy from the rich.

    *Less OP item event and instead put an event like XP and Drop boost, and DSHOP giveaway event.
    *No more DSHOP OP wing and costumes its making the game imbalance unless you make it tradable.
    *Item prices should be stable, HOW? make the items available in drops or in DSHOP and leave the upgrades to the player, in that way they will need talismans and argates. 
    *NPC item prices should not be too distant from the items for sale.
       Example: I sell +0 Ulti wep on NPC for 2million but people are buying that wep for 1billion.
                      Back before in dekaron sea we always farm NPC item and sell to NPC till we have our own dils to buy OP item its like we take a spot and farm NPC items and full our bag with it and sell it to NPC till we have more dils to buy OP items. I can still recall people shouting "Spot Taken" "LFM AFK pt".
    *Guild fight before was so intense, everywhere is a guild war, I still remember Pentagram and Templars meets in a spot and all hell break lose, PK everwhere KOS guilds. Here how can you PK your KOS guild if they are so IMBALANCE, you farm the whole year he just buy everything in one day, you got the skill to PVP but he just one skill you its like fuck it im quiting. 
    *NON-PK channel is only for leveling so limit it to 160max, and let the 161up experience the real game.
    *As what I said make all the item Tradable so Rich Guy buys it in DSHOP and Farmer guys buy it from the rich guy at a good price.

    SCHWARZ3N3GG3R (Bagi)

  • 0rionsbane0rionsbane Posts: 3Approved Member Beginner
    I guess ill just echo chamber some things, this post is probably so they can get a feel for how long they can milk the player base and give us a sparkle of hope. Lets be honest its not free to play it's been pay to win for years. The original game I played on release is not this this is just trying to get my money off some nostalgia. 

    #1, Everything, and i mean everything needs to be obtainable in game, in the original game you could obtain literally everything you need in game to compete in pvp and pve. This is no longer the case, it started with costume stats of like 100 crit and now its escalated to I need these wings to even do a dungeon. I think the simple and obvious solution for this is to make a repeatable daily quest that gives say 30 dk cash, or 1k per month. The goal here is to give new players a reason to log on, play with others, and do something other than dead front which is getting very old to them by now. A quest idea is one that requires you to run a dungeon, lets make it crespo, elohim, scared claw. something that requires a party, and helps them advance their character. That way the both meet players and also farm meisters/argates/dragonic ingredients.

    #2. Everything in the cash shop should be non trade able. I know i'm going to be disagreeing with some people here but if you give out free dkc then the cash shop items should be bound to limit their influence on the game.

    #3 Every item in the cash shop that gives any kind of stat should be removed from the cash shop and made obtainable in game as well as trade able.All those wings and costumes that give bonuses, should be able to be farmed over the course of a few months. They should not be cash shop items in the first place that's how you destroy your game. 

    #4. After resolving the leveling and cash shop issues in the recommended or alternate ways, advertise the game and get more players to play. It makes no sense to advertise the game as it currently is, at the very least we need obtainable pve gear and a clear path to doing all the dungeons currently in the game. Better we should have a clear path to competing with p2p users.

    #5 Advertising the game will first attract people already familiar with dekaron, so they need things to refresh them on how to play and grind items. Part of having a clear path to play the game is having information on that path, Most people find out about norak rings, sailor rings, meister books, etc. But a lot do not and simply quit because they don't understand why their character was so weak. Update your guides to clearly show what dungeon drops what items, what stats they give etc. I have to go translate korean to learn half this stuff that should not be required.

    #6. Find uses for old collectibles, event items. I have act 19 luck pieces, I have comeback tokens, I have all sorts of old crap that I cant even use. But at one point i knew it was valuable, make them useful for something exchange this stuff to modern collectibles or event items etc give me and other returning players a reason to get rid of this junk and a small reward for playing during those times.

    #7 Have weekly gm run events. have active gm's or gm helpers daily to allow safe trading etc. This is done by p-servers and i have noticed some events and trade helping which is a start. You need much more though, Currently trading for high value items is very risky and requires a empty inventory in many cases, so a safe trading system like the auction house would alleviate the need for a gm to trade players. Events should be for both groups of players, new and old. For old players its easy give them a boss with good drops and a pvp fight and they will be happy. For new players they need a collect event, your current scavenger hunt its for old players not new ones, what new player is going to have 5k fortress vouchers as a single player. The rewards should be to help them level and give them some starting capital, argates, ammys, mounts, pets, holy water. and Trieste keys are great rewards as a new player. You also need to make these events longer, much longer an entire day. the boss can re spawn and the collect event can be a limited daily quest of some kind.

    #8. improve end game. End game consists of pvp and pk, Pk needs an area to fight over that gives some high value drop, that high value drop also needs to expire as we need a reason to keep people coming back over and over. The same is true for pvp we have siege but once we get enough flag's why bother guilds quite after winning enough flags over and over again. We need timed items that are a reason to continue logging on and pvping/ competing for them. And you would need full gear to compete for them as its pvp. Timed items as much as i hate them are the answer, buffs and effects are a decent way to up the ante. and a permanent item is fine as long as the timed version is slightly better than comparable items in game. A great thing to do this with are pets, costumes, and other cosmetic items that also give the player a visible sign he won the event.
  • Oswaldo37Oswaldo37 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    As a returning player I find the economy totally nearly unattainable for new players. At least make the current currency attainable in game via rare drop or farmable in some other way. Just my 2 cents as I like the game but cant farm very well at higher levels unless spend real money. This is a sad thing. 2 moons was funner and more fairly based in competitive ways. Too much pays to wins in this dekaron.
  • hollyarrowhollyarrow Posts: 0Member Beginner
    How do we make it better for both sides ?

    Alright,you can start ending this game.You morons for years fucked up little by little.And you realised to ask this question 13 years after.

    I suspect there still some people left playing this game .

    This is one of the best game can ever happen and the same time worst run one..
  • CumeneamordCumeneamord Posts: 0Member Beginner
    It is good idea to play game. We can play in group and talk with them.So It could help to build of confidence and ride of boring 
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