Which packages would you like to see in the webshop?



  • lHitNRunllHitNRunl Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Papaya just likes $.. why you guys dont add permanent guns? 
  • NoahMeyerNoahMeyer Posts: 2Member Beginner
    A Package with M4 - Ak47 - K1 - Mp5k [all Gold] Permanent
  • SirDelanoSirDelano Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I would like to see the Combat Mask Mystery Box and the Premium Warhead Package in the shop again...
  • TomatoesDevilTomatoesDevil Posts: 0Member Beginner
    k1 Poland retail
  • praynoprayno Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Don't think the weapon balance is the biggest issue. Make the classes as they were originally created for. A medic shouldn't be able to throw grenades, and an assault shouldn't be able to heal himself(HP stick). With items like the HP stick, the classes are pretty much useless and unbalanced.

    Nowadays 80% of the players are playing with assault, because the assault has access to the strongest weapons(which is fine) AND they are able to heal themselves. What's the meaning of being a medic nowadays?
  • praynoprayno Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Sorry wrong topic :/
  • kocke96kocke96 Posts: 7Member Beginner
    A permanent famas case where you can choose which famas version you receive.
  • EsperaEspera Posts: 3Member Beginner
    SPAS/Tommy Package (30D or more if possible) 
  • Manav001Manav001 Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Sir please add some weapons to 7th SLOT ......
  • dude1453dude1453 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Permanent Chararter Wearables Packages
    Permanent Weapons! Do it Do it Do it! i dont want to hear we will not do perm weapons
  • distortiondistortion Posts: 120Member Trainee
    MP7A1 SnowCamo, MPX Lightning, K1 Blood, AK47 Blood, 
  • NostroxNostrox Posts: 22Member Beginner
    2. slot Random Box or just a package with a permanent 2. slot weapon with a fixed price. I still have no 2. slot permanent weapon. But it has to be one of the good ones, like plr22 or mp5k.
  • ChocoQ420ChocoQ420 Posts: 48Member Beginner
    No more random boxes.
    Sell perms via the website/in-game for $5-$25 depending on the camp, gun, and/or slot.

    I spent over $400 to get the aug royal purple coz of your boxes. I don’t think anyone actually prefers boxes. We want permanent weapons, we’ll spend money on them. But you’re not the only F2P FPS in the market, and the game is still “Pay 2 Win” and “Pay 2 Get Guns” coz not every base version of every gun is F2P as of now.

    So, ditch the boxes, bring in perms at varying prices, limit how many are up for sale each month, and rotate them.

    That’d be my suggestion. Give back to the community and make them want to spend money, not gamble it.
  • sourstartsourstart Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Permanent will be nice.
  • o0butcher0oo0butcher0o Posts: 2Member Beginner
    I would like to see Famas K.S.A please .
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