[Notice] Update to our War Rock Team

WarRockTeamWarRockTeam Posts: 206Approved Member, WR LGM Trainee
Hello Soldiers,

We have some news regarding our War Rock team. We are sad to inform you that [HGM]Paris will no longer be a member of the War Rock Team. Paris will be stepping down from his position as a HGM to further focus on his education. That being said, you may see him back on the team in the future. We wish him luck in his studies and appreciate the time and effort he put into helping the community.

We are not seeking an immediate replacement, however, we may be looking to further expand our team in the near future. We will be sure to inform you all on the forums and on Discord when the time comes. We would also like to take this time to thank everyone who has continued to lend a helping hand to the community and our HGMs. Your suggestions and feedback is valued and highly appreciated.


War Rock Team
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