Give us back PING LIMIT! make WR great again!



  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate

    1. First of all, i play warrock nearly everyday no matter if "patch day" or not

    2. I dont rage about nub guns. I give warnings like:
    IF YOU CONTINUTE TO USE THOSE OP TRASH GUNS i will start to use them aswell :)
    Just like N0HCH0 alias AntiTerror. I warned him several times. And see what happened to his score:
    imagein the End of the match he had 12/23. Just because i started to use Famas.... - Those who refuse to follow rules shall feel the consequences i guess :)
    I warned him, he didnt listen, so i used famas and ruined his score :D simple.

    3. My WarRock is quiet loud. I never listen to any music while playing and the ingamesounds are SCREAMING into my ears because i put them (ingame and Windows) nearly to 100% - Go ask everyone i am at TS3 with. They will tell you that i am mostly unable to hear them because WR is to loud.
    If you do a step, weaponchange, roll, heal, reload - i will hear it. always.

    4. Go use DBR N0hch0. And i will continue to use my Nub guns :D I mean.... its ur score. not mine.

  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate


    Everyone knows that you have a hack weapon. 

    I hope everyone will start using the forcelag against you.
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    "hack weapon" hahahaha
    go report me then.
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    It makes no sense to make a report. 

    It was because of you and your hacker friends that the papaya lost players.

    Players do not believe the publisher and left the game.
  • Mrterr0rMrterr0r Posts: 244Member Trainee
    There is clearly something giving an advantage here. I've given up playing this cheat now. If he joins i will leave. Shoot him and nothing happens the same shots and amount of hits that kill other players do nothing while he just runs off claiming i missed every shot even when its point blank, cant miss and i shoot first. 

    Ive seen and watched 2/3 people all shooting him and he kills everyone and one injection and he back to full health. Amazing how all his shots register yet other players do not. 

    You can also see / hear it takes him 2/3 hits to kill while others cant hit him more the 6 times and does not end with a kill. But Gm team do nothing about these cheats. 

    Beta then 2007-2020
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    Try the forcelag and the shots will kill him. He begins to cry very quickly. 
    Without his changes in the Internet connection he cannot play.
    Dragonforce changed something in the settings for connecting to the Internet and does not receive damage.
    Players will never return to the game until this German hacker group is kicked out of the game. 
    When I play with his friend Haribo, I always have de-synchronization with the server. 
    LGMS HGMS are afraid  Haribo and do not ban it. He makes a crash server
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    See just like i told he start claim that he hear u :))))
    Despite a fact u cant have stepping sound iwhen u press C and slow walk like that, but he keep saying heared me even when i camp in corner and not even muving, but OK german  hackers keep the publisher happy mainly with their spending and papaya insted of reforming game banning hackers they say
    "hackers part of warrock" heared this so many times if i would have a penny evry time they say it i would be a millionare
    "insulting them is illegal"---ok we need respect hackers they are "humans" too
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    This comment is very short but the best comment criticizing the inaction the publisher the game

  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    As i already told you:
    You will never be a good player aslong as you depend ur skill on Vector, MPX or Mp7a1.
    And as long as you dont learn how to move, how to bunnyhop, slide, speedroll, hillclimb or even simple stamina management you cant get good aswell :)
    Your gameplay basicaly is always the same. Camp in a corner, wait for the enemy. Camp in another corner, wait behind flashmines. And if an enemy enters the base you always take the same routs. Its rediculous how easy it is to pretend ur movement. I am good because i am creative. You are bad because you are stubborn. I try to pretend enemys actions. And you simply follow the same route you always take.
    Please continue to Ragequit as soon as i join. Or stay in the room and l2p already.

    Ive never changed anything with my connection. And there isnt even a way to "block" damage. If it would be possible, every hacker would have been 100% Imortal (Simply "God Mode" which doesnt exits)
    I know ur gameplay videos and its quiet easy to tell that u are srsly Aimless.
    About your "German Hacker Group" - Why should any HGM or even LGM be scared of banning someone? I mean srsly. WHY. Your talking is so unfounded. You are just mad cuz you cant kill us. So what?
    About "de-synchronization" man thats the most stupid thing ive read since a while i mean wouldnt he handicap himselfe aswell with it ? Man use ur brain a bit more. xddddd
    Please let urselfe get checked. Like if everything is alright. I am worried about you. Srsly.

    Dude. You camp in a tank for 24 Hours 7 Days a Week. You dont have any experience in playin without vehicles, so why do you even talk ? No wonder why you dont know how to move or how to be truely silent. You even cry for "Overclocker" if someone bunnyhops or slides down a hill simply because YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW TO THE WR MECHANICS WORK AND HOW TO PLAY WITHOUT A TANK.
    Man as soon as your Vehilce is about to explode you leave the room or you drive into water so you wont recive a death. You are a shame for the community. Grow Up.

  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate


    I’ve been in the clan THEPHOENIX  3 weeks and somewhere I have a video about how Haribo promises to crash the room and in a minute it happened. Coincidence? Papaya doesn’t forbid him cuz hey can crashing the server. The last time that Haribo was banned for 2 or 3 days, the server was always crashing and could not work normally. Coincidence? Everyone knows that he is a hacker.n this clan, 95% were hackers. 

    I am very pleased how I destroyed this clan from the inside. 
    Kemoo and the other Arabs left and made their clan. Why? But because someone explained to them that the Arabs may have their own clan and there is no need to be in the clan where the clan leader is Italian and this clan regularly insults Muslims. 

    Fine work N0HCH0 )))

  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    The "crash" you are talking about is how long ago now ? 1 year ? 2 years ? 5 years ?
    Every crashmethode is fixed already.
    Last crash methode was by typing in "xepxepxepxepxepxepxep" (till you cant type anymore) which broke the Chat cap (because every "xep" (3 letters) got translated into **** (4 stars / 4 letters) which caused everyone to freeze due the fact that its more letters then the chat can handle at once (--> crash)
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    Well that reminded. 

    Papaya why I can’t write a word that is not an insult, but other players can write.

  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate
    PAPAYA azerty keyboard banable ? ))))
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    This mistake for crash in the days G1 could only be made with a German keyboard QWERTZ.

    Why were all the failures  with the game always associated with Germany and the Germans? 
    Papaya, you need to think about it.
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    This could have been done with EVERY Keyboard. Not matter which format.

    Btw i am able to write words like "picture" because i use an ALT+Numpad code to uncensore words which shouldnt be censored in firstplace. Simple Methode. Nothing Special. Works in every Game. I knew that you dont know how to do it. Because you are clueless as always.
  • Mrterr0rMrterr0r Posts: 244Member Trainee
    The only comeback is to say my movement.  The same shots that kill others yet do nothing to you. Its like half my bullets vanish and never register. Yet moments later the same bullets kill someone else.  I guess your the same as above streaming / recording every game doing anything possible to get some type of advantage.

    Even your "f2p" account is the same as your main without all the prem items. Odd that huh, that both accounts one backed by the paywall and the other not both play out the same way with bad hit registration when attacked.  


    Another rubber bullet syndrome player who makes 30/40 kills every game for 3/4 deaths. Steams about the map with no char addon parts killing the whole team on foot yet not one person can kill him. Even when 3/4 people are all shooting at him at the same time with all the char addons and prem items.  

    There is clearly something giving an advantage. Ive been in many rooms where everyone is killing and being killed then ppl like you or pajo enter and then go on a rampage killing everyone. speeding all over the map taking almost 0 damage. 

    Beta then 2007-2020
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    Skill differences can be hughe :) :*
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    These scum call it skill. The ability not to take damage when any other player takes this hack or gain an unfair advantage. 

    Papaya ignores these facts.
    Papaya go away or clean up the game. 
    Papaya are blocking us in discord so that we do not tell the truth. With this attitude towards players, you have lost 99% of players
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    Porblem is that i am not hacking nor doing anything simular :)
    I install warrock and play, thats all i do. Deal with it.
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate
    Why do 99% of the remaining players still have to put up with a dozen hackers? The fact that papaya does not respect players everyone knows but papaya wants to get our money))
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    Dozen Hackers ? Sry. But the era of "dozen hackers" ended 2 years ago with the activation of EAC.
    If you Hack - you will get banned within 30 Minutes. Always.
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate
    Hackers played a few hours ago 3 weeks ago and EAC didn’t block them. 
    You're ridiculous and your arguments are shit. 
    You are trying to convince us that white is black. 
    I'm not interested in you. I allow you to continue working for papaya XD
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    Its like this: they hack. Get banned after 30 minutes. Create new acc, hack, banned after 30 minutes, create new acc.... endless loop till they stop.
    Thats how it is (mostly)
  • HGMPrismaHGMPrisma Posts: 70WR GM Beginner
    This clearly has gone off-topic again. Keep in mind to stay on-topic.

    Since the discussion about ping-limit has ended, I will close this topic.
    Kind regards,
This discussion has been closed.